Monday, March 22, 2010

Coffee glorious coffee

It is amazing how coffee can be the base of so many wonderful goodies, coffee liquor, coffee cake, cappuccino muffins, and cappuccino sweets. And in today's society coffee has a love hate relationship with everyone. We all love it but hate it because we are told by all that is it bad for you.

The irony is that good quality coffee is good for you, but the stuff used in the items above is a hydrated blend of some of the worst coffees you can find. The leading instant coffee manufacturer is the largest user of a coffee filler, based on a tree found in the Congo basin originally. We they found it no one ate it, a few animals had adapted to consume it, but it was far from their favourite food, and now that tree is grouped in the coffee genius even though it had 50% less chromosomes. I never under stood planet biology but that sounds wrong.

So you love all these things and want to make them yourselves then make coffee fresh from a great super automatic coffee machine and use only high quality specialty grade coffee, shade grown of course, and you can have you cake and eat it

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