So according the the website Current Worldwide Annual Coffee Consumption
per capita, South Africa drinks 20% of the world average when it comes to coffee.
Are we serious that much into beer? I also read today that they claim that 60% of the coffee in South Africa is drunk in the workplace. Workplace coffee however is mostly instant at the moment.
There is a slow move towards a higher quality coffee, but the majority of coffee drinkers in South Africa think quality coffee is filter coffee. On that most filter coffee is purchased as pre-ground (yuk), which is the same as buying you coke open and two days old. If you vacuum pack two day old coke does it taste any different?
But I digress, lets go back to numbers. 66% of all coffee drunk in South Africa is instant, the other 36% is brewed coffee. Of that at least 90% of that is pre-ground, which means that 3.6% at most is in bean form. Excluding the specialty coffee market this means that only 710.4 metric tons of coffee are sold in their finest natural form, i.e. in beans.
What does this mean? Well that serious coffee drinkers in South Africa drink less than 1% of the world wide average.
Perhaps I have something funny in my cup, but these figures are strange. I may not drink 19,733 tons a year, but I get close to 10kgs a year, and that is above the Norwegian average :)
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