Thursday, June 24, 2010

Coffee As a Business Meeting Tool

You probably have heard proverbial the mantra "Let's do lunch". This phrase means that you are planning a business meeting to thrash out strategy for the future. Nowadays, with one or even two coffee shops on every corner, and with the tighter economy, there is a trend is now changing to "Let's do coffee", to signify a mutually beneficial gathering. And now with an offering like Quaffee's bean-to-cup quality coffee in your office, so that you can provide the best coffee in you own office.

So are you looking to enhance your business? Do you need to meet with prospective clients to discuss strategies? One advantage will be to choose to meet with your business clients at your own premises providing you with a more relaxed atmosphere that will allow for quicker decision making and open-minded business deals. Speaking of which, studies have revealed that coffee facilitates that people to be more relaxed and open-minded, which is precisely why coffee is continually served at work meetings. This is another reason to choose to meet and merge in a your office when you are using a specialty coffee like Quaffee provides is another way to win you clients, since you can produce a quality brew, that is an ice break but at the same time will not distract you from the business at hand.

Also, even though having a coffee may be relaxed and laid back, make sure that you plan for your Java meeting to last no longer than an hour, preferably 30 to 45 minutes. This is a fantastic time to close a deal, but you don't want your client to feel like you are taking up too much of their day by sitting and chatting with them.

Prepare your business meeting in advance, pop out get some quality treats as a nice gesture. This means you do not have to worry about secure a table in the café or if the brew quality will cause the client to be distracted. Since the meeting is at you office the stress of making sure you can have your laptop and paperwork available for the business meeting, is reduced. Also for your client pick a time that is out of peak time, such as mid morning and mid afternoon, when the morning and lunch rush has subsided.

By using these tips in, we wish you well with a lovable cup of Joe to get you where you want to go in your business moves. And there is a double benefit of a great cup and a great meeting

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