Thursday, February 11, 2010

Commentary of SCAA scare on crops running out

While there are more and more area growing the thing that smells like coffee but tastes like rubber on tar (Robusta) especially in the east, and this now is over 40% of the coffee market (mainly used for instant coffee)

While I have read articles about this and have been aware of these beliefs, the facts are not 100% correct. There are already 2 GM varieties or Arabica being pawned that I know of (have not tasted them and have no intention to), and there are around 40 odd man made Arabica varieties through cross pollination and grafting, and they can grow in places like PE.

However the proper Arabicas like typical and bourbon, that we use are running out sort of, there has been a large number of farms that grew less profitable or more risky crops (drugs) especially in Peru and Columbia.

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