Friday, November 6, 2009

What makes a good automatic coffee machine – Item1: Brewer?

In the next few posts I will look at what makes a good automatic coffee machine is a question I have heard before.

First we will look at what brewing mechanisms and crema

Intelligent Pre Brew?

The best super automatics, have intelligence that produce great crema. The best way to test crema production is to look at how the coffee settles in a glass cup. Take a whiskey glass and pour a produce a coffee with the machine and if the crema settles to the point we it is nice and thick (about 1cm) at the top.

The all the flavours of the coffee, are trapped underneath the crema, so the more there is of this sacred oil the better.

For a one-button coffee machine to produce great crema there are a few things it needs to have

  • First and foremost fresh roasted coffee is best
  • Then the machine must grind the coffee on demand, so that the grinds are fresh
  • A machine that pre-brews or pre infuses the coffee grinds produces more crema. So make sure that the machine pre-brews its coffee speciality
  • The next important item is that the spout height must be adjustable so that the coffee travels a short distance to the cup, reducing the cooling time, and exposure to air before the cup can protect it

Once you find a machine that produces great crema, you are on the right track to find a great automatic coffee machine

A machine with a brewing unit that is secure in the unit normally produces the best crema

Next time we will look at the grinder…

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